The Supernatural Person in the Lake: An old woman gave her son a gift, hoping he would become a medicine man. He gave the gift to the supernatural one so as to provide food for his people. He went back to his country and lived in the lake. His people searched but could not find him. The people went to war a dew later and ran into the man. He smoked with them and gave them buffalo. The people were in search of horses to bring back. The supernatural one asked them to brink back a black horse and to smoke a pipe in the direction of Sheep Horn Mountain if they were in need. The people went to fight and gathered the horses. They took the black horse to his home and it ran to the lake.
Coyote Steals A Man's Wife: A man was sitting on a rock when it was lifted to the sky. A coyote came by and stole his wife and the camp moved. Eventually, the man made it down and followed the tracks to the new camp. He came to the camp and saw that they had left again. He continued to follow the tracks until he came upon the camp where his wife was. The coyote was out hunting and he returned with a deer. The man had the coyote put stones into the fire, wrap them in fat, and swallow them. After the fourth stone, the coyote died. The man ordered his wife to bathe and had the camp move again.
Coyote Tries To Make His Children Spotted: A coyote found a deer and her fawns and asked how she got them spotted. She said they were born that way, but he didn't believe her. So she lied and told them to put them in a hole and to start a fire at the ridge. The wolf took his children and tried, but his kids were burnt. He tried pulling them out, but realized that they had been cooked. He went after the deer and set her willows on fire, but she escaped. The coyote went on his way.
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(Fawns, Source: UnTextbook) |
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